Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My skin is thin

It really upsets me when people anonymously post mean comments to Steven's Collegian articles. What am I going to do if he gets a bad book review? It's hard enough to get continually rejected from tiny lit mags, but at least then you just get a form letter. It doesn't tell you specifically why and how you're not good enough.

I am not a fan of criticism.

I am a fan of dispensing it, constructively of course, but I don't like coming across a public criticism by an anonymous fellow.

It just seems rude. Steven doesn't get to be anonymous. But his detractors do? There are some things that bother me about the internet, and lack of responsibility for opinions is a big one.

*le sigh*

In unrelated news, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is out on DVD today. You should rent it and cry your eyes out. But first, read the short story. And keep your negative comments to yourself.

1 comment:

Steven317 said...

on the flip-side, I did get paid, or at least will come next Friday. He gave his opinion out for free (sucker!)