Yep, that's my bathtub. You can see it in my closet. Through the giant hole in the wall.
The (black?) mold creeping along my remaining wall.
The door that protects me from the creepy critters that are crawling through the hole. I also made him spray it for bugs. I barricade it with boxes when I'm at home.
The inside of my closet. Unceremoniously moved outside.
The shower also got recaulked, which is sort of pointless, since they'll be ripping up the tub next week. Apparently the entire floor under the tub is also rotten.
Super eeeww!
that last comment was by me, but I was logged in as you, so then I deleted it myself. It read, and I quote: "Those are by far the hardcorest pictures of mold I ever did see."
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