Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Yesterday, June 16th, was an important day.

It was my initial start date for my job one year ago.

It was the first stimulus Tuesday of the summer that we did not attend. Instead, we played 5 games of miserable tennis in the hot muggy sun, followed by gigantic slushies and jalapeno flavored almonds. I sent Steven into the store with my debit card. Always an adventure.

Instead of dollar popcorn and watery soda, we ordered two big kid entrees (not sweet and sour chicken) from the Chinese place.

And, for the first time since the ER finale on April 2nd, I am out of ER. We watched the last four episodes of season 10 last night, which ended with a bizarre and unsatisfying cliffhanger. Pratt in a random car chase with a gun? Sam packing up all of her things to get away from her ex? Neela in Ann Arbor? I know it all turns out okay, but I don't know why or how it all turns out. Season 11 doesn't come out on DVD until July 14, and then... the wait is undetermined. Seasons 12 through 15 are not scheduled for release. Season 15 is sort of available on Hulu and I can only find snippets of promos for the other seasons on youtube. Tragedy is upon us. Do I dare pay $1.99 per episode? Can I leave my friends at County General in the lurch, unfinished and non-responsive? Now is the time for illegal downloads.

Last but not least, Steven dropped a glass full of milk (it's so exciting to make chocolate milk!), we got two ominous fortunes - "watch for something yellow" & "three months from today something will change your life!" and Hailey sent me beautiful bright flowers at work. The yellow lilies bloomed this morning, and I knew that June 16th would live in infamy.


Steven317 said...

that sounds like a lovely day. I'm glad I got a chance to read about it!

Susan said...

And... experience it? silly kid.

Steven317 said...

One can enjoy a literary experience just as much, if not more!