Wednesday, July 15, 2009

If, then, you

I'm always searching for connections. The more I consume, the more it all seems to relate to each other. So in an attempt to bridge the gap between what you like and what you haven't experienced, here are my observations.

If you like the song "Human of the Year" by Regina Spektor, then you might like the story "This Person" by Miranda July.

If you like the song "Two Birds" by Regina Spektor, then you might like the Pixar short film "For the Birds."

If you like the movie "Taxi Driver" then you might like the story, "Weights" by Charles Baxter.

I've been thinking about this post for awhile, waiting until I had an impressive collection of thoughts to finally publish it, but I'm short on material. Should quality art remind you of other art? Or should it be entirely new? Do entirely new concepts make you think of other entirely new concepts? Is the goal to be universal or unique? I have no answers, only questions. Also, if someone could tell me definitively what Travis looks at in the rear view mirror at the end of Taxi Driver, my sanity would thank you.

What do you think? Does your brain do this too? I'd love to hear your examples and thoughts. Or thoughtful examples, whichever you prefer.


Steven317 said...

If you liked the story of the Prodigal Son you'd probably like Milton's Paradise Lost; if you like "PL" you'd probably like Goethe's Faust; if you like "F" you'd probably like Robert Johnson's "Cross Road Blues" in which a young musician sells his soul to the devil in order to become a famous blues musician; if you like "CRB" you'd probably like the Steve Miller Band cover of that same song; if you like SMB and you know me, you've probably made a variation on a joke I've heard since I was six years old.

From Old Testament to relevant pop reference, in 5!

Susan said...

whoa. I see the coffee kicked in.

Very impressive.