Thursday, May 24, 2012

Idol does not become him

So Philip won Idol.  That's the 5th white guy with a guitar in a row.  It's okay though.  He done good.  He done so good that he gave up halfway through his coronation song and just wept, looked super awkward, and then walked off stage, looking like he was just voted off, and sought solace in the arms of his family.  His family did their best to shield him from his celebration and adoring fans, but those camera men are ninjas.  It took FOREVER for Idol to finally realize that the show was over.  A completely uncomfortable moment, courtesy of reality television.  Thanks, Idol.  For the millionth time, you remind us how little you care about your contestants and viewers.  But who am I kidding?  I'll watch next year.  It's got me, and it's got me for good.

The finale was mostly crazy, with too many women in catsuits and leg cutouts and dancing and non-singing and hollerating and poorly rehearsed medleys and bad duets.  Basically, the same as last year, only with Neil Diamond.  They did manage to make fun of Randy in a funny, clever, entertaining, good humored way.  It's shockingly good.  That's how low my expectations are for this ridiculously addictive terrible television show.  It just hurts so good.

Steven was excited about the victory, as Philip is the first Idol he's liked.  It took almost 5 years, but Steven has finally admitted his deepest darkest guilty pleasure.  He loves frat rock.  He hid it under the layers of Joanna Newsom and Adam Green and Bjork, but secretly, his heart beats for OAR and 311 and DMB, just like everyone else.  Oh, and Carly Rae Jepsen.  He literally can't hold a conversation with me if that song is on the radio.  He's adorable.

Idol is about a million times more entertaining if you also follow the recaps.  I discover new ones every year, and they're always terrific.  It's such a huge ratings monster that all the major publications have to cover it, but they still operate on such a silly and cheap scale (Randy Jackson, terrible set pieces, vague "themes", same songs over and over) that there is plenty for the critical and articulate recapper to eviscerate.  My favorites are Annie Barrett at EW, Jay Caspian Kang at Grantland, Dave Holmes at Vulture and Michael Slezak's web series Idology at TVLine.  It's the real reason Steven still watches the non-Philip parts of the show with me.

In my mind, Joshua won after this performance in top 5 week.  So let's just pretend this was the coronation song and go to bed happy.  Take it away, sweet little Ledet.

I'll probably sneak some more Idol videos in via links throughout summer blog posts, but this is my last Idol-centric blog post of 2012.  Thanks and you're welcome.  Miller - out.

1 comment:

Steven317 said...

I'm glad you're getting comfortable with your new name! Other-Miller out!