Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Just for you, BIL

Today, Matthew, Abby and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. We all hated it. And yet, it's getting great reviews. I don't think it stands on its own. Not as a story, or a movie, or anything, really. So why the positive reviews? I understand that it has to be cut down, because it is a beast of a book. I can even handle some of the changes that eliminate unnecessary extra characters. But to me, it felt too rushed, too incomplete, too different, and too dark. Don't people watch the movies to see Ron and Hermione make funny comments and fight with each other? Don't people want to see all of the magic that goes on in Hogwarts instead of the dark and dangerous?

Perhaps I have just fallen into the very common trap of getting too excited about a movie. But who goes to a movie on a whim? You pay the money because it's something that you're really excited to see. So excited, that by the time you get there, you are ultimately disappointed because nothing could possibly reach the great level of expectation that you had.

It's frustrating.

But at least we had lunch afterward, and I found out that Matthew has a crush on Hermione.


lobiwan said...

What can I say? I'm a sucker for brown eyes. And English accents. And uniforms. And book smarts.


linda jean said...

So, it was ok that I didn't skip work. Does that mean I have to read the book to really enjoy it?

lobiwan said...

Nothing can excuse your not skipping work.

Susan said...

It's true. All the cool kids skip work. And I think that reading the book would make the movie even worse. Go in blind, and see if you can figure out what's going on.

Unknown said...

SOOO excited for your blogspot!! Yay Yay Yay!

betsyann said...

Hey...I didn't know about this crush. And I don't have an English accent or wear uniforms. Except my Pierceville-Plymell shirt. Should I wear that and carry around a book and talk with an English accent, or is it already too late?