Friday, October 5, 2007

Time Zones

Things that have always baffled me:

1. Time Zones
2. The Post Office
3. VCR Recording
4. Cottage cheese
5. Jumper cables

Tonight, I stayed up until 2am, because I thought that I read on the website that they would post the new episode of The Office at 2. Turns out that was 2 pacific time. Meaning 5 eastern, meaning... sometime tomorrow central. I wouldn't have to stay up this late if I could figure out my stupid VCR and tape something other than 122 minutes of static. Also, my cottage cheese smells like rubber cement. I think it was wise not to eat it.

Also this week, I have finally figured out what people meant when they said,

"I loved college, but I would never do it again."

I love college, but I will never do it again. Except grad school. Which doesn't count. This has been a completely ridiculous week. But for no good reason. It would've been a fine week if I hadn't watched 36 hours of football last weekend and spent the rest of last week well... being silly. Sometimes I feel like I'll always be a hormonal teenager.

Also, I like being 22. Whenever someone would ask me my age before, and I'd say 21, they'd look at me like I was drunk or hungover or in the process of one of those. Even if we were at church or it was 2pm on a Tuesday. Anyway, I say I'm 22 and people don't really have an opinion. So I suppose that's better?

I should really be asleep right now.

Last thing. I found this quote this week and I really like it. I also like that it makes me seem like I read a lot of Anais Nin.

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

Words to live by.

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